仰光朝大金塔 Paying Homage to the Great Golden Stupa【虚云老和尚画传集】 87.-宣化上人国际法汇29天半

Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun (Empty Cloud)
By the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
87. 仰光朝大金塔
Paying Homage to the Great Golden Stupa in Rangoon
渡锡兰朝圣地后第一声喝彩 。即附船至缅甸庄雯如。朝大金塔和氏璧的下落。此塔在佛教历史上占重要地位左乐芬 。世界各国闻名乔引娣。佛教徒朝礼者颇多断喉剑。至摩罗缅吉帝利宿敌冤家 。有一巨石至奇春灯迷史 。传为目莲尊者安置空中轨道列车 。朝礼者亦甚众刘彩星 。
After making pilgrimage to the holy places on his way across Sri Lanka现代修道生涯 , the Master took a boat to Burma to visit the Golden Stupa. This particular stupa holds a very important place in Buddhist history and it is famous all over the world. Many Buddhists of various countries throughout the world have made pilgrimage there. Arriving at Chi Ti Li一起打鬼子 , in Mwo Luo Mien汉水丑生 , the Master saw the very strange boulder placed there by the Buddha's disciple Maudgalyayana. There were also many people making pilgrimage to this spot.
仰光世称佛教国通亚物流软件 。巍巍金塔矗碧空封神记漫画。
各国教徒齐顶礼创始元灵 。张翔玲 香花供养拜大雄褐石园 。
The verse says:
Rangoon is known as the Buddhist country for generations.
The towering Golden Stupa stands tall and upright into the azure sky.
Believers from various countries come and pay their respects.
With flowers and incense as offering搜同1069 , they bow to the Great Hero.
Editor's note:Copy from the Official Website (Chinese) of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association -