菱牛前沿:本文介绍的是一种来自以色列的家用花盆,这种新颖的设计在德国获得设计大奖安全伴我行手抄报 ,能很好的保证种植的多样性与透气暴走分卫,丰富了欧洲花卉园艺市场。
三连套盆(TRIO)— 一场蔬菜和药草的革命
来自以色列Hishtil公司的市场营销部门经理Haim Rosenblom在接受采访时说到: ”本公司的室内水培植物不含有农药,可以在一年四季都保持较高的品质马艳红下,且保存期相对较长女黑侠黄莺 。”

Hishtil公司从不满足于发展现状,其开发人员一直在寻找着适合当今复杂多变生活方式的新产品曹小青 ,从而满足大众对新鲜农产品的需求。去年,Hishtil公司推出了和Ducartk常青包装公司合作开发的新型植物包装—三连套盆(TRIO)。每个三连套盆(TRIO)都包含着三种植物酒井朝香,该包装采用的水培种植方式不仅可以促进植物的快速生长,并且能够保持其干净的生长环境,因此三连套盆(TRIO)的植物非常适合在厨房或家中其他地方进行培养。
这一富有创新的包装获得了澳大利亚“世界之星”包装奖l家居类别的一等奖。该比赛的评委们发现,这种新型的包装方式可以鼓励消费者种植属于自己的香草和绿叶蔬菜刘万龙 。

此外少年宝亲王 ,该包装还可以重新用于新生的植物。在植物鲜活时采摘叶子放在包装内,待新植物长出后,便可种在花盆里尚贤中学 ,窗台上或是地上。最近泰隆减速机,Hishtil公司还新增了可用于制作漂亮礼物的观赏植物系列淘宝汇吃 。与其买一束不到两周内便枯萎的花儿,不如买一套保存期相当长的观赏植物。例如,该系列的秋海棠可以实现二次开花并且美化您的家居环境长达六周之久。根据季节的不同,Hishtil公司还开发了紫罗兰,秋海棠,康乃馨,矮牵牛等一系列观赏性植物。
当然,如果按照说明进行操作,即使在不施加农药的情况下,家中水培种植的植物也能够保持四季较高品质,并且保存期相对较长果粒橙抽奖 。例如,用Hishtil公司的方法培养的萨拉诺娃莴苣即使在夏季也能保持其新鲜度。如果消费者不过量浇水并按照说明进行操作妮图,即可享受最高品质,新鲜可食用的绿叶蔬菜和香草。
Hishtil是一家以色列公司美丽佩配 ,该公司在植物繁殖、蔬菜嫁接、蔬菜幼苗、药草、一年生花卉、切花、衬花以及盆花等领域占据世界领先地位,并将园艺专业知识、行业意识与尖端技术的收益结合起来,以生产健康的植物材料。
1. 世界之星大赛是世界包装组织(WPO)的重大活动之一,也是国际包装领域的杰出奖项。
2. 埃森花卉展是在德国举办的世界领先的园艺贸易博览会巨魔战将。
Trio—the Vegetable and Herb Revolution
Hydroponically home grown plants are pesticide free冲出宁静号 , high quality in all seasons and have relatively long shelf lives. Interview with Marketing and Sales Division Manager Haim Rosenblom.
Hishtil never rests on its laurels. Its development staff is always on the lookout for new products suitable for today's changing lifestyles and the increased demand for fresh produce.
Last year, Hishtil launched Trio, a packaging line it developed in partnership with Ducart Evergreen Packaging. Each package contains a trio of plants for growing easily and cleanly, and hydroponically that are well suited to the kitchen or elsewhere in the home.
The innovative packaging won first prize in the Household category of the Australian WorldStar Packaging Awards. The judges observed that the packaging encourages consumers to grow their own herbs and leafy vegetables.
The Trio launch for our retail customers will take place at forthcoming exhibitions: The IPM in Essen in late January and the Berlin Fruit Logistica in early February. The Trio series was developed after a great deal of experimentation to create convenient and effective packaging. Together with Ducart, which specialises in cardboard liquid containers, we developed a prototype of the current package七星巨棺 , which is both waterproof and recyclable.
Hishtil's Trio comes in four different series:
- Trio Salad — Salanova lettuce, green and red lettuce加运美速递, mini-onions
- Trio Tea — mint, Melissa, verbena
- Trio Herbs — basil, chives, parsley
- Trio Chef — rosemary, oregano, thyme
The plants grow in water without soil, which encourages rapid growth and maintains a clean growing environment. Picking the leaves just before consumption retains taste, vitality, as well as vitamins and minerals. After the plants have grown,洪煦榆 they can be planted in pots, on the window sill or in the ground. The package can be reused for young plants.
Hishtil has recently added an ornamental plant series that make handsome gifts. Instead of buying a bunch of flowers, which wilt in less than a fortnight, you can bring an ornamental plant whose shelf life is considerably longer. Begonias, for example can achieve second flowerings and beautify a home for up to six weeks.Hishtil's Ornamental Plant series includes pansies, begonias, carnations, petunias, according to season.
Naturally总裁你好毒 , hydroponically home grown plants are pesticide free, high quality in all seasons and have relatively long shelf lives, if the instructions are followed. For example, Salanova lettuce, when grown by the Hishtil method, retains its freshness even in the summer. If consumers follow the instructions and do not over irrigate, they can enjoy top quality四季映姬, fresh and ever available leafy vegetables and herbs.