以其人之道张无垢勤学 ,还治其人之身-英语功夫社欧阳剑平
以其人之道韩国邪恶漫画 ,还治其人之身出自宋汉末枭狼传 。朱熹《中庸集注》第十三章:“故君子之治人也,即以其人之道鲍鱼粥的做法,还治其人之身鼎级理财网 红顶天 。周盛俊杰 ”就是使用别人的办法来对待那个人自己六指黑侠。相近的成语还有以眼还眼神赵云,以牙还牙密涅瓦大学。这几个成语应该用英语怎么表达呢,可以用到medicine这个词。我们一起来看:
Nobody really likes taking medicine金美伶 , especially when it tastes so horrible. That's why medicine is used in a phrase about receiving the same bad treatment that you have given to someone else.
没人喜欢吃药,特别是有的药很难吃惊世巨鳄 。这就是为什么药(medicine)这个词在西方用来表达自食其果的含义乐巢网 。
当一个人总是喜欢指示别人(boss others around)淮剧陈德林 ,然后有一天有人开始指示他鬼请你睇戏 ,我们就可以说:
Hegets a taste of his own medicine.
Our boss is so rude to us but finally somebody has answered back and now he's got a taste of his own medicine.
When I meet up with my boyfriend爱很简单简谱 , he's always late so this time I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine and turn up late as well.
Deepak is always rude to the teacher but he was really offended when she gave him a taste of his own medicine and was rude back to him!