
任其自然的艺术慧公馆 。风浪越大荷兰毛狮犬 ,你越应顺其自然,林正宏公事与私事都要如此贝雅诗顿 。生活中时常会有飓风茶色生香 ,情感中常有暴雨马伊莉 ,五大连池市贴吧 这时,明智的做法是退入一个安全的避风港等风浪消退valak。治疗常让疾病恶化,在这种情况下,你要顺应自然和天道郑佳君 。聪明的医生懂得什么时候不开药夜航惊魂,有时,不治疗反而更见功夫。想要止住愚昧大众的吼声埃米尔物语 ,最好的方法就是袖手旁观,待其平息。现在的让步,是为了不久后的征服。井水一搅就浑曾嘉莉 ,不会因为我们折腾它而澄清,如不去动它,它自然会清。对付混乱的方法就是任其自然,这样它们自会平息立可尿。
The art of letting things alone. The more so the wilder the waves of public or of private life. There are hurricanes in humanaffairs, tempests of passion when it is wise to retire to a harbor and ride at anchor. Remedies often make diseases worse: in such cases, one has to leave them to their natural course and the moral suasion of time. It takes a wise doctor to know when not to prescribe, and at times the greater skill consists in not applying remedies. The proper way to still the stormsof the vulgar is to hold your hand and let them calm down of themselves. To give way now is to conquer by and by. A fountain gets muddy with but little stirring up and does not get clear by our meddling with it but by our leaving it alone. The best remedy for disturbances is to let them run their course倩碧洗面皂 , for so they quiet down.